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Marshmellow Mood
The fragrance of musk-scented marshmellows that are perfect for a mug of hot chocolate or roasting on the campfire.

Mischeivious Musk
An aromatic blend of sweet vanilla and citrus will rekindle fond childhood memories of childhood memories of playing and having fun.

Clean Cotton

Enjoy the soft flowery and powdery fragrance of freshly washed linen drying in warm spring breeze.



Remove odours and reduce bacteria with Eastern Dragon Studios' Fursuit Sprays, with over 30 different scents for you to choose from. We even offer a non-scented spray for those who wish to still remove odour and bacteria, but dont want a scent on their suit. One 125ml bottle will see you through multiple uses - even on a fullsuit!


Available as a 50mL sample, in the standard 125mL bottle, 250mL refill bottle and now our new 500mL refill bottle!!!

New Fragrances


MFC 2025 pre-order

  • Domestic shipping within Australia only

    Unfortunately due to Isopropyl Alcohols flammable nature we can't offer this product to international customers


    To get the best results each time make sure to shake very well and thoroughly before any use, to make sure that all the contents are well mixed.


    Spray lightly on the inside of your fursuit and fursuit parts and allow to air dry fully before wearing or storing.


    On resin fursuit heads, and fursuits with airbrushing or inked areas, you can dip a cloth into the mixture and wipe the inside of your suit to apply.

    Remember to be careful around suit eyes and any airbrushing on your items, as the alcohol can cause the paint/colour to run. If in doubt, don't apply directly to painted/airbrushed sections.

    This product has been tested on foam, fur and fleece, so it should be fine to use on most suits!

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